Centurion Running

North Downs Way 100®

5 Aug 2023

Course Records

Mark Darbyshire (M)



Debbie Martin-Consani (F)



The NDW100 course begins at the North Downs Way Trail Head in Farnham. For 99.6 miles, it travels on the North Downs Way National Trail with only a brief deviation to Knockholt Pound aid station, which will be very clearly marked on race day.

The only other deviation off of the North Downs Way National Trail comes at mile 99.6, when the course makes it's final turn towards the finish location at the Julie Rose Athletics Stadium in Ashford.

The Final 3.2 miles will be marked exceptionally clearly (as will all the course). This final stretch will be largely on road.

****2023 DIVERSION****

The Medway Bridge which fell approximately 70 miles into the race has been closed to pedestrians by the Highways Authority, for the remainder of 2023. As a result, we have amended the route. If you are not familiar with the area, you do not need to worry about the details. It will all be marked extremely thoroughly by our team, the only practical implications are listed below. Here are the implications:

- The course is now 2.7 miles shorter, between Holly Hill and Bluebell Hill. The race distance remains at or over 100 miles (the original course is 102.9 miles).
- Everything will be marked in full. The new GPX is available at the foot of this page here
- The course remains the same - on the North Downs Way - up until (and indeed just past) Holly Hill. 
- Holly Hill is now a check point again and is OFF LIMITS to crews. This is because Ranmore Common which was scheduled to be the new check point location this year is now no longer on the course.
- The crew point at Nashenden Farm Lane has been removed because it is now no longer on the course.
- 1.3 miles after Holly Hill we will bring you off of the NDW, through the village of Upper Halling, across the Medway just north of Holborough and through Wouldham, to rejoin the NDW at Wouldham Common. 
- Bluebell Hill check point and access remains unchanged. 


Where does the course split from the NDW?

After leaving the final aid station at Dunn Street - mile 99, runners make their way through 2 fields until the first road junction. Just past that junction, a footpath to the right hand side heralds the start of the new course and heads around the back of St. Marys Church. Runners join the road the other side of the church and follow the new route in to the stadium. Please scroll to the bottom of this page to see and download a full route map including the new route to the finish.

(Please note, when you initially arrive at this junction, you will see some electric black gates barring the way. This is not the route, you must continue 50 metres further up to make a right turn on a footpath which leads you through the church ground and out to the front of the church. Proceed down the road on the new route).

Here is a youtube video showing the route off of the NDW, down to the track at the JR Stadium.

The finish is on the track at the Julie Rose Stadium. You will enter the track and complete a 3/4 lap of the track before finishing under the gantry.